Anica Lora Nizic and Florian Rubin's untitled film project, created in 2023, is a captivating exploration of Chippis. Through subjective maps and a cheap camera-turned-projector from Marseille, the artists document their individual walks, editing and discussing choices along the way. The 15-minute film combines storytelling, humor, vulnerability and intimate moments.
Sceening at Jelsa Art Biennial 2023Epic Tour, with Luana Lojić, Jelsa Art Biennial 2023
"Ohne Titel" ist eine Arbeit von Anica Lora Nizic und Pablo Bösch. Sie vermischen Animationstechniken und Film zu einem manifestartigen Film, in dem die kurzlebigkeit von Musik und Kunst in der Gegenwart thematisiert werden soll.
In zusammenarbeit mit Jazzstudierenden der HSLU. Nominiert für das Filmfestival “upcoming filmmakers” in Luzern 2021
"Ohne Titel" is a project of Anica Lora Nizic and Pablo Bösch. They mixed animation techniques and film to create a manifest-like movie, in which the short life of music and art nowadays should be thematized.
Supported by our friends from the HSLU jazz-department. Nominated for the filmfestival “upcoming filmmakers” in Luzern 2021
Supported by our friends from the HSLU jazz-department. Nominated for the filmfestival “upcoming filmmakers” in Luzern 2021
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